This event was held in September 2018 to appreciate the works done in the TOT workshop and was attended ...
This event was held in September 2018 to appreciate the works done in the TOT workshop and was attended by the director of National Public Health Management Center (NPMC).
According to NPMC public relations center, in this intimate gathering, Dr. Kousha thanked everyone who made the event possible. He praised the accountability and kind efforts of all colleagues in coping with their responsibilities regarding TOT workshop.
Referring to the high profile of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in promoting public health, Dr. Kousha considered “health and safety” as two pillars of the peace of mind of the community.
Emphasizing the significant role of NPMC, he added that “one of the main problems of the country in the field of health system is management problems and NPMC as a national center is responsible for training health system administrators; therefore, the importance of the center at the regional, national, and international levels is increasingly evident”.
Likewise, appreciating the efforts of NPMC staff in hosting the event, Dr. Daneshvar maintained that the staff of national public health management center made every effort to tackle with their multiple responsibilities which is praiseworthy. He went on to say that holding TOT program was an ample opportunity to get prepared for other international programs in the future.
Furthermore, the staff were awarded a letter of encouragement from the chair of the university. Addressing the NPMC staff, chair of the university expressed his gratitude towards the TOT workshop organizers in this letter. He stated that “undoubtedly, the systematic and precise job you have done was very crucial since it was in the first step of redesignation with the World Health Organization”.
Moreover, in other part of the letter he stressed that “undeniably, this valuable performance would play a significant role in the next collaborations with WHO. I am thankful for such a committed and focused performance from you all”.