041 - 36571813
2025 March 31

Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Date : 2023 Tuesday 28 Nov
Code 83

he representative of WHO (Dr. Syed Jaffar Hussain) highly appreciated the capabilities of National Public Health Management Center (NPMC).

During the opening ceremony of the international training course for hospital management trainers, Dr Syed Jaffar Hussain, the representative of WHO in Iran, expressed his appreciation for the director of the NPMC for organizing the program. He emphasized the importance of developing joint cooperation between partner centers and highlighted the success of this course as an example of effective collaboration.
Dr. Jaffar Hussain also praised Iran's health system, particularly its strong primary health care capabilities, and encouraged other countries to learn from its experiences. He emphasized the potential for neighboring countries to benefit from Iran's expertise, especially in light of cultural and linguistic affinities with Afghanistan.
In his remarks, Dr. Jaffar Hussain underscored the significance of enhancing the knowledge and skills of hospital managers, noting that this not only reduces costs but also improves the quality of hospital services and patient satisfaction. He commended NPMC and the faculty of Medical Sciences of Iran for their capacity to conduct training courses for managers.
Finally, Dr. Jaffar Hussain reaffirmed WHO's commitment to supporting and collaborating with countries to improve their health based on their specific priorities and needs. He emphasized that WHO belongs to all countries and is dedicated to promoting health.