041 - 36571813
2025 March 10

Tabriz University of Medical Sciences


NPMC's Strategic Planning

Mission Statement

The National Public Health Management Center aims to enhance capacity building, to improve health system management skills, and to contribute to the development of health management effectiveness regarding the health managers’ attitudes and practical skills at national and regional levels.
In line with the core mission of the center, four core strategies will be followed as the main headings of activities in relation to health management:

 Knowledge Transfer
 Knowledge Generation
 Knowledge Management
 Knowledge Utilization

National Public Health Management Center (NPMC) as a branch of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) is a National Training and Research Center in advanced administrative issues. NPMC collaborates with national and international institutes to improve health outcomes through strengthening and capacity building in health systems. This center conducts practical interdisciplinary training programs for health managers and experts in various aspects of health systems development to wide range of organizations in health and related sectors. Furthermore, it promotes an active sectoral and intersectoral collaboration using academics and experienced trainers.


Vision Statement

To generate and disseminate knowledge and skills on health management while gathering and engaging elites and thinkers of health management system locally and regionally.


We believe in neat thinking
We are committed to respect our clients
We are committed to respect our colleagues
We are committed to team working principles
 We strongly disagree with discrimination
We are committed to hard working while at work
We believe in participatory management principles

Strategic Direction

1. Active collaboration with the World Health Organization in implementing health management programs in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
2. Active cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in improving health management systems in the country
3. Special focus on empowering and capacity building of health system managers’ knowledge, attitudes, and skills
4. Playing an active role in generation, transfer, and dissemination of health management knowledge at regional level while utilizing all national and
    international opportunities and capacities
5. Establishing the necessary building blocks to become a focal point for gathering elites and thinkers on health management at national and
    regional levels.

Overall Strategies

  1. Identification, attraction, and utilization of the scientific and practical capacities of professors, researchers, and experts in the field of health1.

    management in fulfilling the center's goals
2. Communicating with accredited educational and research institutes in the field of health management at the national and international levels in
    order to get benefit from their capacities and scientific opportunities
3. Active collaboration with the World Health Organization as its collaborative center
4. Effective communication with the Ministry of Health and Medical Education as a focal point in strengthening and capacity building for
    health system managers
5. Holding needs-oriented training courses in order for empowering health system managers
6. Focusing on problem-based and needs-oriented investigations in the realm of health system management with the purpose of providing practical
    practices to enhance the health system management
7. Providing patterns and models of intervention in health systems to alleviate existing challenges
8. Establishing infrastructure and systematic information and knowledge platforms for collecting, managing, and sharing knowledge of health system
9. Establishment of systematic mechanisms and frameworks for sharing and interacting the point of views by thinkers and experts in health
    management science