041 - 36571813
2025 February 23

Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Date : 2018 Wednesday 28 Nov
Code 71

Holding a Teleconference with WHO Responsible Officer in Cairo

In order to discuss the key issues regarding the future agenda in achieving the predetermined goals in collaboration ...
In order to discuss the key issues regarding the future agenda in achieving the predetermined goals in collaboration with WHO, the third teleconference with Dr. Gulin, WHO responsible officer, was held in NPMC office on November 27, 2018.
In this teleconference, Dr. Kousha, the director of the NPMC, and Dr. Yousefi, the head of the WHOcc, provided a brief overview of ongoing projects in collaboration with World Health Organization. Undoubtedly, Dr. Gulin’s constructive and fruitful comments would play a prominent role in developing and implementing the joint programs.