041 - 36571813
2025 February 22

Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Date : 2022 Saturday 27 Aug
Code 80

The NPMC Appointed as a WHO Collaborating Center (WHO-CC)

National Public Health Management Center (NPMC) of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences was REDESIGNATED as a WHO Collaborating Center (WHO-CC) for training and research on health system management.
Considering the joint collaborations carried out during the past two periods with the World Health Organization (WHO), the center was reappointed as the WHO-CC for the third time.
According to the director of the center, Dr. Mahmood Yousefi, during this new period of collaboration, which will last for four years until August 20, 2026, the internationally agreed training and research projects on health system management will be implemented jointly in collaboration with the WHO.  These programs essentially are focusing on the capacity building of health system managers and health system strengthening.